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Ball Hill - A Community Taking Action

Destination Ball Hill

Updated: Apr 15, 2024

The latest updates from Destination Ball Hill...

1. The Core Teams Unite for Funding: In a collaborative effort, representatives from the Business, Creatives, Community Hub, and Environment teams came together at a recent grant surgery with Zarah Sultana's team, aimed specifically at securing funding for Destination Ball Hill initiatives.

2. First Annual General Meeting (AGM): Destination Ball Hill celebrated its first AGM with an impressive turnout of 30 attendees. This milestone event marked the official constitution of the group, with an elected committee now in place to steer the organisation forward. With a solid foundation established, the team is now focused on securing funding to realise their ambitious plans for the community.

3. Collaboration with Urban Designers at Restitch Event: Building on their commitment to community engagement and urban revitalisation, the team at Destination Ball Hill recently participated in the Restitch event. Here, they had the opportunity to meet with urban designers to discuss potential improvements to the area, including the transformation of parking lots and bus stops with rain gardens and seating areas. Another exciting idea that was brought to the event is the concept of a walking bus stop for local primary children, aimed at reducing traffic congestion around Stoke Primary School and promoting active transportation.

4. Partnership with Climate Change & Sustainability Team on Rain Gardens: Working on the Citizens’ Assembly recommendation of adding Green Spaces to Walsgrave Rd the Air Pollution team has been collaborating closely with the Coventry City Council Climate Change & Sustainability team. Together, they are working on a funding bid for rain gardens as a sustainable solution to manage stormwater runoff, enhance biodiversity and improve air quality in the area. Through this partnership, the team is not only beautifying the community but also promoting eco-friendly practices for a greener, healthier Ball Hill.

5. Meeting with Officers to discuss Litter, Access to Pavements & Fly-tipping: The Environment team met with officers from Highways, Waste Education, Waste Management, Street Pride & Street Scene to discuss the complex litter issues on Ball Hill. They discussed ideas like community bins as well as reinstating access to backyards for bins. Various actions were agreed seeing DBH & CCC working together.

6.  Larger Us Climate Conversation Training comes to Ball Hill: Larger Us and Grapevine have partnered up again to facilitate training on conversations about Climate Change & Green topics. This time the training is specifically tailored to Ball Hill. Several Ball Hill-ians have already taken part in the first Pitch, which will be followed by a workshop and a six week challenge programme focusing on the issues in Ball Hill. Stoke Primary is also taking part in the programme with its teachers and staff as the first school in the country.

7. Find Out More: the latest case study is live! Click here to read how the "Ball Hillian's" have organised themselves.

8. The Creatives Of Ball Hill Capture a Recent Litter Pick: Who would of thought a litter pick would be a good place for a photo shoot and an opportunity to sketch? Gosia and Paul have been flexing their creative skills as a way to highlight the work going on in Ball Hill. "Artivism" at its finest! If you would like to join the creatives get in touch - links below

9. Get in touch and follow on socials...

Email the destination Ball Hill Team

Gosia (photographer) Website and Instagram

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